Glenn Beck’s I Have a Dream

by zunguzungu

By Charles Larson

I have a dream that white people will continue to control America.

I have a dream that Christian white people will continue to control America.

I have a dream that straight Christian white people will continue to control America.

I have a dream that straight Christian white people who control America will continue to watch FOX News.

I have a dream that straight Christian white people who control America will continue to watch FOX News and believe what I say.

I have a dream that straight Christian white people who control America will continue to watch FOX News and believe what I say and elect Sarah Palin as President of the United States.

I have a dream that straight Christian white people who control America will continue to watch FOX  News and believe what I say and elect Sarah Palin as President of the United States so that taxes will be lowered and there will be no government intervention in our lives.

I have a dream that straight, ignorant Christian white men who control America will continue to watch FOX News and believe whatever I say and elect Sarah Palin as President of the United States so that taxes will be eliminated and there will be no government intervention in our lives; that the man who pays my salary, Rupert Murdoch, will never realize that he’s a fool for letting me say all the stupid things I say; that there will be no Mosque within three thousand miles of Ground Zero; that we will build a great wall around America so high that none of those unmentionables from the rest of the world will be able to crawl over it or tunnel under it; that my divorce and substance abuse will not disqualify me from being Sarah Palin’s running mate; that I can continue to fool most of the people all of the time and that I will continue to be paid millions of dollars each year for my TV antics, the books I publish, the questionable products I push, and that these riches of my life will continue forever in spite of my less fortunate viewers who must surely be blessed for their ignorance.


Charles Larson is a professor of Literature at American University.

Some links:

Jon Stewart’s I have a scheme!
Media Matters on Glenn Beck’s history of racially charged rhetoric.
Salon on Glenn Beck’s white nationalist fans.
Southern Poverty Law Center on the “sick farce” of Beck’s “Restoring Honor”
ReligionDispatches on Glenn Beck’s revisionist historicism
Crooks and Liars has a helpful chart for when you have trouble telling Beck and King apart.
On the particular obnoxiousness of Beck claiming that “we were the people that did [the civil rights movement] in the first place”